Sunday, 30 September 2012
Love is communicated in numbers of ways.Resolve to say nothing negative to your spouse at all.its better you hold your tongue than to say something you will regret.Be quick to listen slow to speak.
It is difficult to demostrate love when theres no motivation,but love in its true sense is not based on feelings but the determination to show thoughtful action even when there seems to be no reward.
Whatever you put your time,energy and money into would become more important to you.its hard to care for something you're not investing in.
Buy your wife something that says you thinking of her today.
In addition to saying nothing negative to your spouse today,make your choices carefully.listen to her and continually pray for her.
When a man is trying to win her heart he studies her,but when he gets her,he stops.studying a woman is a life long journey that draws his heart closer to her.
Think about Jesus,do you love him? He should be your first love,you need to be faithful to Him.
How do you expect to show love over and over again when she constantly rejects you?The question has an answer-you cant give what you dont have-you need Jesus,you have taken him off your life,you have rejected him over and over again. Trust him with your life,and beg God to keep your marriage.
A parasite is anything that comes between you and your spouse,they are usually like addiction,they steal away your heart from the one you love.if you dont destroy that addiction it would destroy you.
Am not saying you should treat her like your slave,or your secretary in your office,what I mean is be bold,never leave her especially in a fire,dont giveup on her,cos God havent given up on you.
Apologise for all what you've done that has hurt her in anyway,dont ever stop cos marriage remains a Journey.
N.B: repeat this after every 10days for the rest of your life.
Saturday, 29 September 2012
FOODS THAT RUIN YOUR SEX LIFE Written by Ruth Olurounbi Sunday, 30 September 2012
You are what you eat, they say. When it comes to sex, therefore, you invariably sex what you eat! It’s that simple. Truth is, what you eat affects every part of yourbeing, your ability to become aroused, achieve orgasm and feel sexually satisfied. This is why we have decided to share, with blessings from several experts, those likely foods that may be killing your sex life. Here they are:
Love those tantalizing bacon cheeseburgers? Well, go easy on them because the saturated fats contained in most cheeses and fatty meats will possibly, over time, clogs your arteries. But youalready knew that, didn’t you? I am not sure if you knew that firstarteries usually affected are the penal and vaginal arteries? They are small, which means they quickly collect plaque—so even ifyou’re still looking svelte despite your close personal relationship with the pastries, your sex life might be suffering.
Whether you prefer pastries or macaroons, scones or muffins, baked food that combine flour and sugar spike glucose levels, which can reduce sexual desire and causes hormonal imbalances. A lot of chips and other fried foods do contain trace amounts of libido lowering fats as a byproduct of processing, even though the label on your fries and chips saystrans-fat. Initially though, the initial ingredients may be trans-fat free, but the processing oftencreates unhealthy fats which clogthe ventricles, not to mention, trans-fats have been linked to reduce testosterone levels (whichmeans lower sex drive).
You may have been medically advised to ingest more soy products for a healthier life, I amhere to tell you that too much ofit for a man can, most possibly, affect his sex drive because of their high estrogen levels. A high estrogen level in male is not libido friendly.
As women, you have been told that you need a healthy dose of dairy products in your diets. As much as that is true, high-fat dairy does have a way of affecting your menstrual cycle byexacerbating cramps and bloating and further depleting energy levels.
You have heard how much danger excessive red meat deposits into your body system, right? Now, I can go a little further to tell you that most meats, including dear poultry and fish, have added hormones, antibiotics and chemicals which create a hormonal imbalance. It gets worse, those tasty, fatty meats do contain high levels of saturated fats and cholesterol known to clog your arteries and blood vessels, making it difficult to achieve orgasm and maintain arousal. Can you now see why you need to sacrifice your taste for a healthier sex life?
Think happy hour makes you happy? Try frequent happy hours and see if it doesn’t impede your getting laid! Frequent use of alcohol suppresses your libido, decreasing your sex drive and your sexual satisfaction. Don’t say I never told because I just did
Friday, 28 September 2012
SILENT DREAM by Sir Rhema Hills
It all started like a dream.....
I saw it coming,but I wasnt close,
Wasnt looking so funny yet they were laughing
Fully active,but I was asleep:
Deep in a world they called my own
They called it night mare but to me it was like sweet dreams...
Every morning I wake hoping for a good morning wish,but all I received was a goodnight kiss.
What a lonely rich world....had cars,mansions and all that the dark world had to offer.
I saw my future even when I was told it was my present.
They hated what I have become but they wished it was theirs.....
For heaven's sake where are my friends?
Just when I keep asking,i heard a voice saying
"am all alone"
That was when I knew that anything I want I can have it only if I keep speaking it,
but how can I speak when all am permitted to do is to see and smile?
The more I tried to speak it,the more I find myself in the other end of my bed.
This was when it dawned on me that what I thought started like a dream was actually a dream
"but now that am awaken to a bright new day,its left for me to speak what I want and what I saw in my dream"
Make dat silent dream a reality today.i love u.
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
THE TRUE LIES OF A WOMAN BY Ezenyinwa Chukwuma
Guys shuld knw wat actually gals thnk:)
1) Girls hate it when guys say
perverted things.
1) Girls love to feel special, even
though they might not show it
1) Girls talk about everything with
their girl friends. So unless you tell
us not to tell them about
something, they WILL know about
it within 3 days. And if you are the
girl's boyfriend, that means, you're
possibly 90% of their conversation.
And believe me, trash talking takes
up most of it, unless you're a
Greek god, which you're not...
1) Girls hate guys with bad
1) Girls love it when a guy pulls
them close by the waist
1) Most girls like a guy that will
willing dance with them, even if he
doesn't know how
1) Usually, when a girl is
sarcastically mean to you, it means
they're attracted to you, but are
afraid that they'll be showing too
1) A kiss on the hand with the
right timing can be a REAL TURN-
1) Some girls can think about
their crushes for 18+ hours
straight. No exaggeration
1) When a guy says something
really sentimental, girls will
remember it forever
1) Girls get embarrassed easily,
even if guys don't know what the
hell just happened.
1) Girls daydream about their
crushes ALL the time. They just
don't show it.
1) When a girl is upset and wants
you to listen, she wants you to
listen. She doesn't need you to fix
it or tell her how to. She just wants
you to listen.
1) When a girl is crying, she feels
a lot safer if you pull her close and
tell her that everything is going to
be all right. And more likely than
not, it will endear them to you
more than anything else.
1) Girls love it when guys say
their name
1) Girls love confidence
1) When a girl cooks for you, you
know you mean a lot to her
1) Girls hate it when other girls
flirt. Yet they flirt themselves too.
Ah, the beauty of irony
1) We don't enjoy talking dirty to
you as much as you enjoy listening.
1) Saying something sweet might
get you off the hook; doing
something sweet will always get
you off the hook.
Sunday, 23 September 2012
Monday, 17 September 2012
Is dis what u called death?
Death an unexpectd occurence that have never sounded pleasant to the ear
Death is a word that is supposed to b erased from the dictionary
But how can someone erase something that is destined to be?
Death u are so wicked and cruel,even though I cnt fight u,i wil 4eva hate u.
U are so calm,silent nd gentle,u act like u can neva hurt a fly...
Forgive me mariam,
I stopped calling,now even if I had a million unit,i cant hear your voice.
I hate what just happened
I hate death
I just dont know why it came to you.
U had dreams but you left still dreaming.
Am happy u kept your faith
Am very sure u are happy where u are,but dont tellme you wont miss us....
But wait a u knew u were going to die and u just kept it to yourself...
God! Why did mariam die?
Well I guess your plans for her was best.
Dear Lord,
Pls help me thank her for being my friend.
I will 4eva have her in my diary.
Also tell her that even though we cant talk on phone or see each other,she will still remain my best friend on facebook.
Mariam sadiq
Friday, 14 September 2012
5 Tips for Keeping aRelationship Fresh
Not everyone is looking for a long-term relationship , but most people who are in committed relationships are interested in keeping love alive for the duration. If everyone could afford regular romantic getaways
5: Mind Your Manners
What's that old saying --"Familiarity breeds contempt"? This may be true for some, but more often, familiarity makes people take each other for granted. In his book, "The 100 Simple Secrets of Great Relationships," David Niven, PhD,says, "We define our relationships based not on the best days or the worst days but on the average days. Strive to besupportive in average ways on average days, and you will set in place a major building block of arelationship." Indeed, recent research shows that gratitude is associated with satisfaction and happiness in a relationship [source: Woznicki ].
One way to be supportive of your partner is to be grateful forthe things he or she does for you. Say "thank you" often and sincerely, and say it for even the most mundane things. Holding the door open, passing the sugarand picking up the dry cleaning are more obvious occasions, but what about when your partner cooks dinner or changes the baby's diaper? Be grateful even for the abstract things your partner does, like making you laugh when you're grouchy, remembering just how you like your coffee or putting on the perfect music to soothe your racing mind at the end of a long day. Challenge yourself by expressing gratitude even when you're in the middle of an argument.
4: Break Up the Routine
Routine has its place in a busy life, but the danger is that the routine will become a rut, leading to boredom, laziness andsometimes to the case on the previous page, in which things are taken for granted and no one remembers to commit tiny acts of love or express gratitude.
Part of the trick to overcoming routine is to plan ahead, and part of it is being spontaneous. You'll need to plan for a date with your partner: Make the dinner reservations, schedule thebabysitter and pick out your outfit. Even so, there are ways tointroduce something new into your plan. Try a new restaurant, wear a color you don't normally wear or undo one more button on that favorite top you always wear.
Planning sex on a schedule can be either a boon or a hindrance to passion, so try making a date for sex, but also be open to finding ways to make sex happenif the mood strikes. If sex has become a lower priority, reprioritize! As Dr. Phil says, "Useit or lose it."
Being open to inspiration is the key to spontaneity.
3: Learn to Argue Well
Some couples may be afraid to argue, believing that it's a sign that they aren't compatible or fearing that the argument will bethe end of the relationship. Others use it as a prelude to passionate make-up sex . However, couples who know how to argue well find that it strengthens their connection witheach other, and a strong relationship is a safe space for airing differences. According to the experts, it's not the differences between partners that cause conflict, it's how they handle their differences [source: Polston and Golant ].
Here are some tips for arguing well:
*. Learn to listen as well as express yourself. You may find that the whole argument stemmed from a simple misunderstanding, in which case you can move right on to the make-up sex.
*. Respect your partner's beliefs and don't expect to change his or her mind. Your goal is to understand each other; you don't have to agree.
*. Uncensored anger may be unproductive. If the intensity ofyour anger surprises even you, it might be best to take a few moments before you say anything. As freeing as it might feel to call your partner names and hurl expletives (or vases), you'll just put your partner on the defensive.
*. Make it about finding a resolution for BOTH of you, not just one of you. If only oneof you wins, you both lose. Go for a win-win! (Warning: This means compromise.)
2: Maintain Outside Relationships
A couple's relationship can be both complicated and enhanced by outside relationships. Not all outside relationships will fit well into a couple's life together. Some of them, like those with mothers-in-law, can't exactly be avoided, but others can, and they should be kept separate from the couple's relationship.
1: Grooming and Hygiene
Remember at the beginning of your relationship when you always looked your best for each other, when not even a nose hairwas out of place? As time passes,it's hard to maintain the same attention to appearance as we did in the beginning, what with the baby spit-up, weekly housecleaning and gardening chores, and lazy Sundays. If yourrelationship has lost a little of its fizzle, take a good hard look at yourself in the mirror. Paying justa little extra attention to grooming and hygiene can make the idea of spontaneous sex a lotmore appealing.
Gudluck my people.
Sir Hillz
Wednesday, 12 September 2012
8 good reasons to have regular sex September 12th, 2012 by Editor By Ibiene George
Sex is ideally meant for married adults, but it’d be foolhardy to tell unmarried adults not to have sex. All I can say is have safe sex and stick to healthy sex habits.
Now, to the issue of sex itself, some individuals see it just as as act that satisfies an urge. While this is true, there are actually medical and emotionalreasons why people should have sex.
Sex is one sure way to burn some calories . A vigorous bout of sex burns about 200 calories in 30 minutes. The vigour involved in the act burnsfat and increases the metabolism.
Sex increases the level of the antibody called immunoglobin. Immunoglobinis responsible for fighting colds and similar sicknesses. The better your sex life, the more immunoglobin generated, which ultimately keeps you far from cold and flu-free.
Oral sex from the man is vital for a woman . Semen (sperm) contains a large quantity of zinc, calcium and other minerals for fighting tooth decay. Hence, a woman who gives her partner a blow job (oral sex) may improve her dental health.
Good sex reduces irritability and helps the body relax . When you are tense or upset, good sex helps relax the nervesand eases pent up feelings.
Sex boosts your self-confidence . There is always this air of gratification when a partner compliments your skill and dynamics in bed. Good sex gives you self-confidence, especially when you know that you just ‘scored’ with your partner.
Sex can prevent cancer . Research has shown that the more a man ejaculates; the lesslikely he is to develop prostratecancer. Therefore, even if a guy isn’t having sex, oral sex tohelp him release goes a long way towards keeping him healthy.
Sex makes you happy . Sex makes you happy; even more than money. According to research carried out by the National Bureau of economics, sex tends to give the participants a sense of joy and happiness. Next time you have sex, bask in how you really feel. If it’s been done right, you’ll definitely have a smile onyour face.
Sex reduces stress and makes for better sleep . Aftera hard day at work, a good ‘sexcapade’ helps reduce stress, ease joint pains and helps you sleep better. People with a healthy sex life tend to handle stress better, and sleep better and deeper, working better than any sleeping pill.
Having said all that, it’s no longer news that men can’t help prevent breast cancer by sucking on a woman’s breasts. Similarly, fellatio won’t help prevent prostrate cancer. Therefore, have sex and make sure its good, but while doing that, remember that HIV/AIDS is real, so make sure you protect yourself and your partner always
Saturday, 8 September 2012
A man is a man wether tall,short,slim or fat even if he has a feminine name,or style or even shape,he is still a man......that is why when some of them decide to behave like a girl,you still notice and identify them as a man but you call them 'GAY'.
A man is hard,tough,he wants to be in charge,he wants to handle the matter.He acts as if he has no heart,but when a gentle soft ray of light lands on him he melts like a wax being heated.
Forget man,he only wants respect,but he is seeking for love,he only wants to be in charge but he needs sex.
Man is confused if you ask me.
A man is a giant and tough coward,that can only be fooled by love.
He is wise in all he does but foolish when he falls in love.
A man can only remain a man only when he haven't found love but the moment he gets into love he no longer bares the name MAN- he will now be called wierd names like 'baby,chocolate,strawberry hearty and for the unlucky ones they call them mumu,mugu e.t.c.
The truth about a man lies in TRUE LOVE.
The end....
Friday, 7 September 2012
A non-hereditary title by a sovereign,he was honoured by a sovereign for merit and achievement.
He was called sir before he became a knight.He wants to become an africanist,though not good in languages but madly in love with culture.
How best can you be if not african.How black can a man be if not african.How respectable can a man be if not african.How wise can a man be if not african.
You say we have black brains,black head,black heart....have you ever been in a dark room?
If you have,then is it every dark room that is empty?NO and its not every lighted room that is rich.
Now what am saying is not every black man that is an african.
Not every black man with a black brain,heart and skin is empty.
A black african is rich in wisdom and knowledge.A black true african is well-mannered,sought after in every continent.
A true black african has been crowned .His about to cause a change,his about to rule, he is a member of the knight of african poetry.
In a standing ovation lets make welcome Sir Rhema Hills Obute.
Wednesday, 5 September 2012
MovieTittle: The TRUE LIES OF A MAN
Written by :Hillz and Bradley
Hmmm,what mor can I say to you was the last words from Brown in the first part of the series:there are alot of deep truelies about men,that was shot in the 2nd phase of this project.let me reveal it:
It turns out that men are just as frustrating now as they were when u first became aware of their existence.
Men are ridiculously pig headed and stuborn
They are completely unable to express their feelins,
Because men hav no idea what real strength is..
Men are obsessed wit size and appearance,
They are inherently jealous and suspicious,
Often paranoid about relationships
And wil go great lengths to avoidcommitment.
Basically,they are unreliable and goofy,
Becos the fact is,men are not very bright.
Its no wonder,then,that tryin to hav a quality relatnship wit a man can be the best way to bring on a migraine.
Ofcourse its easy to ignore the downside and all the warning signs when an exciting new romance is just starting.
At this stage,u not only accept hispointless interests,you embrace them as cute and quirky.
You will do everything posible to maintain the relationship..
At this point you cnt hear or listen to that little voice inside your head whispering Danger danger!
You dnt trust your female intuition that something unpleasant is about to happen....
Instead u put all your feelings,hopes and dreams into his hands,becomin a complete romantic martyr.
And then,all of a sudden u comecrashing down to earth in the most dramatic fashion imaginable.
Another nightmare relationship!
You cant believe it happened
This is just the begining,watch outfor pt.3.
Tuesday, 4 September 2012
THE TRUE LIES OF A "MAN" By SirRhema Hills Oyi-obute Flower Movie Tittle: THE TRUE LIES OF AMAN
By SirRhema Hills Oyi-obute Flower
Story written by: Hillz Obute and Nendi
Note produced by: Hillz Obute
Directed by: Nendi Fedora
Dedicated to: St. Valentine
,,,,,,,, The reason for a woman's pain and sorrow is still the reason for her joy and happiness.
The same thing that brings those tears to her eyes is still that thingthat flashes those delights of smiles and laughter on her face.
Wandering what that reason or thing is in a life of a woman? Of course that reason is a "MAN".
No wander behind every lie told by a man, a woman sees lots of truth in it. But the question is
Why do women believe the lies of a man more than the truth of his lips?
Well may be because The beautiful lies men tell are to bring d most valued, cherished and highly estimated esteem of womanhood complete.
But these are some real truth of a man that he will never tell you…..
If a man loves you, he won’t want to always see you, cos he never wants the love to fade.
If a man is in love with you, he thinks about you, and then sendsa text not a call, funny? , if he calls you, he just wants to pretend to you,
If a man loves you, he prays for you and never tell u he did, if hetells you-then you should know he never prayed,
if a man loves you, he wont be dating you for 10yrs without him wanting to see your parents.
If a man loves you, he will definitely shout at you at a point when you wrong him, if he doesn’t he will he will beat you up when he marries you. How sad…..
The true lie of a man that you never want to hear is that men are the best only when u find theright one for you...
Can there ever be a right one?
Movie coming out soon…………watch out........
Stanley 22yrs,handsome cool gentle nd average height needs a responsible girl for a swit relatnshp that wil lead 2 mariage call:08138677915
Idowu 38yr,fair in colour,chubby,needs man for mariage call:08087261310
Monday, 3 September 2012
Sunday, 2 September 2012
Dear Rhema, Please, help me. I need a way out of this mess I created for myself and also a solution to my problem. I am married and blessed with two children. My marriage of eight years is about hitting the rocks if I am not careful, and all is because I saw someone who needed help and helped her. My husband does not believe me, I wonder why and what would make him believe the words of an outsider against mine. When I was able to pull a response from him, his answer was shocking. He said he would believe my friends’ words any day, any time because she is my friend and he believes we are very close and she would know me inside out. Sherry, my friend is really not a close pal, but we were classmates in school and during our university days we both shared the same room for two sessions. My parents know her and vice versa.She has not been lucky with the opposite sex right from our school days. When virtually all of us in our group were dating our mates and younger men, she had always dated olderand married men and she wouldnot mince words, then, to tell us that her destiny does not lie withsingle or younger men, as she would prefer to settle for a married man. I never asked her why and those who cared to ask her then nevergot satisfactory answers from her. We left school to start our lives. Imarried Soji, the guy I dated from my 200 level. I did not hearfrom or see Sherry again until two years ago when we met at the airport on our way from the UK. We had travelled in the same aircraft, but did not know until when we got to Nigeria. I travelled with my two kids. We went on holidays to England because Soji resides and works there. My husband got an immediate employment with the bank where he did his youth service way back then, but he had to leave when the banking job became insecure. He had a goodjob prospect in England, so he travelled back and he is doing well. He would have moved his family, but for his mother who wanted us close by. Soji been an only child; I also have a good joband we both decided that for some time, it should be this way. This was how Sherry and I met again. We had no time to talk the day we met; we exchanged phone numbers and called each other again. This was how we started communicating and how I learnt that in the few years that we left school, she had been married twice, both did not work out. She travelled to the UK for two years and she was back home to settle down. As a friend, she started coming to my house, she would stay the weekend and before long, I asked her to movein with my kids until she would get her own apartment. I did this out of good-will; I neverknew that I had courted trouble.I however, informed my husbandbefore taking the decision. His response was that if I felt I wouldbe able to cope. He was also happy for me because she wouldbe a companion. We lived in a new area, in our own house, I lived with the domestic staff and my kids. SinceSherry was not a stranger to my husband, they communicated. Whenever he called and she wasaround he would speak with her on phone. Dear Taiwo, I never knew when she started speaking with my husband on phone behind me. All of a sudden, Soji started asking me questions about things happening in the house that I haven’t discussed with him. It has never been in my character to keep things from Soji, but if not on urgent issues that requires urgent attention I discuss with him at our leisure, but I discovered that Sherry would have told him before I did. At the initial stage I wondered how he got to know the things he asked me, even trivial issues like the exit of the house help among others. It then dawned on me that Sherry must have been his informant. When I asked her, initially, she denied and when I put it to her that there were certain issues that Soji couldn’t have heard from someone outside the houseshe could no longer deny. Her reaction however shocked me because she told me that she does not need my permission to speak with my husband. She saidshe agreed that she is my friend, but he is also her friend and she would speak with him anytime without my approval. I was very bitter about this and I told her my mind. Two days afterthis encounter, my husband called to tongue lash me on the phone. I couldn’t comprehend what wasgoing on. I was trying to digest all these when Soji called and stopped me from attending his step sister’s wedding. His father had other kids and there’s no love lost between them, because his dad abandoned him and his mother in favour of his step mother and siblings. My mother-in-law however, said we should be a part of the wedding without Soji’s knowledge. Because it was an outing that we had to plan together, Soji’s mum even made Sherry a part of the planning and made her promise not to tellher son, but she eventually did. Soji called and told me that I must not go for the wedding if I still wanted my home.I was so angry that I asked Sherry to leave my house. I got another shock when my husbandcalled that if Sherry should moveout I should be prepared to follow her. Can you imagine? I told Soji that I brought Sherry into my home and would ask her to leave whenand if I no longer feel comfortable with her. I asked herto leave, but she had the guts to tell me she would when she findsa situation accommodating. Her excuse was that Soji has asked her to stay until she can sort herself out. If Soji was in Nigeria, I would have said maybe he had something to do with Sherry or ifshe had travelled out of the country during this time,but she didn’t. I am angry with my husband because I never believed he could be on a stranger’s side against me. I also cannot understand why he suddenly started making issues out of little things and non-issues. We have not spoken to each other in the last three weeks, because I went for his step-sister’s wedding. Sherry did not go with us. I couldn’t leave my mother-in-law alone. Soji hasalso refused to speak with his mother. Please, what should I do? To say I feel very uncomfortable under my own roof is putting it mildly, kindly help me. Oluwatoyin
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