Sunday, 26 August 2012


by Sir Rhema Hills Oyi-obute Flower on Sunday,
 August 26, 2012 at 11:53am
I have heard alot of people especially girls saying being single is better, but the truth is they are just cowards, sorry to say...
There’s nothing interesting in being alone are just scared of commitment...
It pays to date, cos it would help u build up some sense of responsibilities in the process.

If u choose to remain single till u get married will definitely face challenges in your marriage and it would be so difficult to withstand it, cos u never had experiences. If u had fallen in the past never u give up, dust yourself  and rise-up and plan your next perfect relationship.

Did I hear u say there’s no such thing as a perfect relationship?
You damn rite
And that is because you don’t believe u can be perfect
Why do u go into a relationship?
Is it because u saw her and she’s pretty or u guys are so close, so u think there’s a feeling?
Maybe u share same ideas or because she is gorgeous and has a good physique?

Whatever it maybe....what attracted u to her/him would definitely determine what the relationship would turn out to be.
This is not for those who are dating already, am writing to those who are not and those that are scared of dating.

I know exactly how u’s like seeing a burning fire and jumping into it right? lol.

Well relationship is not dating, it’s an understanding of the love that two people have for each other.

Before u go into a relationship...
Think about it, don’t u ever let him/her tell u that thinking about it is old fashioned.
He/she can proclaim a thousand love and even catch a grenade 4u but ask yourself do I really love this person? Look beyond what he/she does 4 u...

What is that tin that’s so special about him or her
Now am not talking about her eyes or her nose or her skin or even his height.

Am talking about his habit, character, sense of humor, her level of reasoning, her capability to produce good ideas.

Be smart my dear, take your time to pass through a phase called pure FRIENDSHIP, during this phase, don’t let his care or calls take u off track, focus on what u are after.

In no time (3mnth max.) U will find out if he or she is d rite person.

Now one very simple and easy way to detect a wrong/fake spouse is if
a. Ask 4sex or pester u about sex
b. Pretend to not like sex at all
c. Being secretive
d. Admires and compares u with other girls
e. Neva corrects or frowns at your silly mistakes
F. Neva appreciates you

a. Ask for sex (yes girls do it)
b. Being secretive
c. Compares u with other guys
d. Tenders her family issues barely two weeks of meeting her.(she’s d demanding type)
e. When u give her gifts and she rewards u with sweet sex (don’t b carried away)
f. Neva appreciate u

There are so many other ways of detecting, but d point is never let him/her determine 4u-dnt feel pity 4him/her, don’t go into a relationship because of d lovely gifts and care and even love he/she has shown you...
you must be fully convinced in your heart that u luv him/her.
vol.2 comes up shortly

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