Saturday 28 September 2013

HOW TO LOVE .2 by Sir.Hills

Options True Relationship with Hillz · 64 like this September 21 at 9:24pm · HOW TO LOVE.2. EPISODE 2- LEARNING TO LOVE YOURSELF 1. Begin by loving yourself: You can only truly love another being when you love yourself properly. Otherwise, you risk spending a lot of your life projecting insecurities, pain and other negative emotions onto other people. People who do this tend to see the worst in other people so as to avoid facing that insecurity, pain, or negativity in themselves. - Loving yourself is not about putting yourself before others — that's another form of confusion. Loving yourself is about having self- respect, discovering what really makes you tick, and spending your life being true to your real talents. 2. Forgive yourself and give yourself license to make mistakes: Don't be too hard on yourself. Life is short, and it's about learning. You won't learn unless you make mistakes. Give yourself license to make mistakes, and then love who you are for all your imperfections. - If you love yourself only for being perfect, you're probably making two mistakes: - Thinking that you are perfect when it's probably not the case. Unless you're a new super-breed of human, you're probably deluding yourself a little bit. -Holding yourself at a double-standard. You don't expect everyone else to be perfect, so why do you expect perfection from yourself? Treat everyone, yourself included, by the same standards. 3. Know what loving yourself feels like: Once you learn to love yourself, you won't feel threatened by others' success (real or apparent). You won't constantly compare yourself to others. You'll be able to share your love freely with other people. You'll feel good about yourself even when you're feeling down. You'll feel proud without being cocky; optimistic without being oblivious; and free without being paralyzed by freedom. You'll feel unafraid to cry. -To love truly is not only having a capacity to give love, but also to gracefully open your heart to receive love. Know that you deserve love. You are worthy of love. The more you feel love in your heart, the more you are able to give love to others. 6Like · · Share Blessing Onuorah Nice one from u dear September 23 at 11:00am via mobile · Like Boost Post 91 people saw this post

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